踏入新一生,大家有沒有想過,其實我們每天身處的環境和接觸到的物品,都會影響我們的能量場,進而改變我們的精神狀態。因此,想要岀行舒適玩得開心,挑選合適的岀門配件,隨時事半功倍。KAPTURE全新打造的 3 合 1 旅行頸枕,配設豐富多元化的色調,襯搭岀行造型零難度,並採用人體工學設計理念製成,配合BioNTex™️ 塗層技術,及靈活可拆式遮帽枕,去到邊都可好好休息!💗幸運粉紅色:新春佳節,當然首選幸運的紅色啦!粉紅色象徵生命力、熱情與活力,是充滿強大能量的顏色。🍀幸運綠色:柔和綠色,具有療癒效果,能為內心帶來平靜與安寧,讓你的人際關係變得更加順暢。❄️幸運粉藍:象徵冷靜,助你放鬆心情並提升專注力,保持鎮定,增強自我能力。✨ 舒適,就是這麼簡單 ✨舒適風格新定義,等待你揭曉!
Sleep Better, Explore Further Surviving long flights or road trips? Meet your new travel essential – the KAPTURE 3-in-1 Travel Pillow.
🌟 12 Reasons Why Smart Travelers Choose KAPTURE ♦️Featherlight Design (Only 300g) ♦️Ergonomic 360° Support - Highly regarded by orthopedic specialists♦️Magnetic Hood - Detachable in 1 second, doubles as eye...
Discover the Perfect Neck Support with KAPTURE
📌 Optimal Cervical Lordosis CurveStudies have shown that the natural physiological curve of the cervical spine, known as the cervical lordosis curve, is approximately 30 to 40 degrees. This curve...
各位熱愛時尚生活及旅遊的朋友們注意啦!我們將從登機閘口前往全新地點,離港層 北區岀口 ( SHOP 7T037)。新店將繼續為你帶來全新旅遊式購物體驗,把我們的獨特美學與永續時尚設計融合,創作出重質不重量的服飾。下次Check In行李後,不妨到KAPTURE機場店挑選心水設計!!
正所謂岀行要舒適方便,購物當然也是!為了讓一眾旅遊愛好者能享受最輕鬆的購物體驗,KAPTURE特意選址SOGO崇光啟德開設期間限定店,由12月4號到1月7號期間,歡迎大家一同前來探討KAPTURE集環保、科技與時尚感於一身的旅遊新品。我們將繼續以獨特色調和簡約線條美學獨步全球,從細節入手將玩味型格的設計融入生活,為你帶來無限驚喜。下次除了機場新店外,亦不妨到訪我們SOGO崇光啟德店,選購心水設計!無論任可風格,相信你總能在 KAPTURE 找到是合適的設計。
Christmas, embark on a dreamy journey with Moomin!
Your Christmas travels wouldn‘t be complete without Moomin accompanying you on your adventures around the world! The KAPTURE x MOOMIN series, themed ”Exploring New Horizons, Cherishing Eternal Charms,“ features a...
KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTexTM Tote Bag - Little My
The bright colors paired with black and white patterns create a unique and stylish look, perfectly matching Little My's quirky and lively personality. We're talking about the KAPTURE x MOOMIN...
KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTexTM Foldable Travel Bag - Snufkin
Snufkin enjoys the simplest joys in life. He loves fishing, playing the harmonica, and taking leisurely walks, embodying a free-spirited, slow-living attitude. Inspired by Snufkin, the KAPTURE x MOOMIN large-capacity...
KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTexTM Foldable Backpack - Moominpappa
Moominpappa, always wearing his black top hat, loves adventure and travel. He seeks to experience the world's beauty, different cultures, and exciting challenges firsthand. 頭上總戴著黑色高頂禮帽,熱愛冒險與旅行的Moominpappa,和一眾旅遊愛好者一樣,總希望以第一身角度感受世界的美好,體驗不同文化,渴望在冒險旅途,遇見令人興奮的挑戰。 The KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTexTM...
KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTexTM Tote Bag - Moomin and Little My
The large tote bag is believed to be a traveler‘s best companion, as it suits any travel outfit, easily adapts to any style, and offers hands-free functionality. The KAPTURE x...
KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTexTM Foldable Travel Bag - Mymble
When the quirky and lively Little My meets the KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTex™ foldable travel bag, it’s sure to add a lot of joy to your journey! The earthy tones...
KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTexTM Foldable Backpack - Moomin and Mymble
Mymble, who enjoys the carefree life in Moominvalley, is naturally romantic and imaginative. This time, the KAPTURE x MOOMIN “Moomin Journeys” dream travel series features a vibrant violet tone, paired...