KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTexTM Foldable Travel Bag - Snufkin

Snufkin enjoys the simplest joys in life. He loves fishing, playing the harmonica, and taking leisurely walks, embodying a free-spirited, slow-living attitude. Inspired by Snufkin, the KAPTURE x MOOMIN large-capacity travel bag features his favorite forest green color, a foldable and waterproof design, and a 35-liter capacity, perfect for travel or daily use.
喜歡享受生活中最單純快樂的Snufkin,是一位充滿哲學思想的冒險家,閒時最愛釣魚、吹口琴、散步,以自由自在的慢活態度享受人生。是次KAPTURE x MOOMIN 大容量旅行包亦以此為靈感,選用Snufkin最愛的森林綠為主調,配合疊式及防水面料設計,可輕鬆折疊,便於存放,適合旅行或日常使用,35升的儲存空間,能輕鬆容納所有旅行必需品。

*Made from 100% recycled polyester and BioNTexTM, this lightweight bag offers a large capacity and a luggage strap for easy attachment to suitcases, combining style and functionality!
*KAPTURE x MOOMIN 大容量旅行包,以100%回收聚酯纖維及融入BioNTexTM 精製而成。輕便攜帶配合你不同行程所需,能提供特大容量,加上行李帶設計能與行李箱綁定,助你實現時尚與功能性並存的岀行體驗!

*The ”Moomin Journeys“ series is now in Hong Kong. Stay tuned for more creative designs from KAPTURE!
*「Moomin Journeys」夢幻旅遊系列已登陸香港,請期待KAPTURE未來為你帶來創意設計吧!