When traveling to Japan?

When traveling to Japan, dressing up is a must. Bring along the eye-catching TYO tote bag inspired by Tokyo Dome. Its unique egg-shaped design and vibrant colors make it a standout accessory. Made from sustainable materials, this tote bag combines style with practicality, enhancing any summer outfit effortlessly.
*BioNTex™ antibacterial coating technology fabric, jointly developed by research teams from Japan and Hong Kong, is SGS certified to effectively eliminate bacteria and viruses such as Staphylococcus aureus and coronaviruses. It has also passed safety tests by Japan's JTETC, ensuring it is harmless to the body and skin, and maintains high performance even after 100 washes.
Store addresses in Hong Kong:
📍 Hong Kong International Airport | Unit 6W574, Level 6 Departure, Terminal 1 (Near Gate 40)
岀發日本旅行,當然要好好打扮一番,帶上亮眼獨特的TYO手提袋,定能為你的造型大大加分。鵝蛋形身軀配上鮮豔的拼色布料是TYO手提袋的一大特點,靈感來自於東京的地標建築物 – 東京巨蛋。蛋形設計突破了常規的托特包,前後設有蛋形袋,而且選用回收再利用的布料製作,完美實現「永續時尚」及方便實用。即使身穿簡約平實日常外衣,只要配上前衛的 Tote Bag,亦能為你的夏日造型提升亮點。
*我們的Tote bag採用可持續布料及BioNTex™抗病菌塗層技術,包括竹纖維混料、回收滌淪等,更通過日本JTETC安全認可測試,認證對人體及皮膚無害,而且即使洗滌 100 次都無損高性能,因此每款設計均以布料承載獨一無二的故事。
*BioNTex™ antibacterial coating technology fabric, jointly developed by research teams from Japan and Hong Kong, is SGS certified to effectively eliminate bacteria and viruses such as Staphylococcus aureus and coronaviruses. It has also passed safety tests by Japan's JTETC, ensuring it is harmless to the body and skin, and maintains high performance even after 100 washes.
Store addresses in Hong Kong:
📍 Hong Kong International Airport | Unit 6W574, Level 6 Departure, Terminal 1 (Near Gate 40)
岀發日本旅行,當然要好好打扮一番,帶上亮眼獨特的TYO手提袋,定能為你的造型大大加分。鵝蛋形身軀配上鮮豔的拼色布料是TYO手提袋的一大特點,靈感來自於東京的地標建築物 – 東京巨蛋。蛋形設計突破了常規的托特包,前後設有蛋形袋,而且選用回收再利用的布料製作,完美實現「永續時尚」及方便實用。即使身穿簡約平實日常外衣,只要配上前衛的 Tote Bag,亦能為你的夏日造型提升亮點。
*我們的Tote bag採用可持續布料及BioNTex™抗病菌塗層技術,包括竹纖維混料、回收滌淪等,更通過日本JTETC安全認可測試,認證對人體及皮膚無害,而且即使洗滌 100 次都無損高性能,因此每款設計均以布料承載獨一無二的故事。