No resistance to black and white T-shirts?

Do you have friends who, like KAPTURE, have no resistance to black and white T-shirts? After all, the versatile and comfortable black and white T-shirts can always help you easily switch up your look, stylish yet lightweight! Our 'The Future Is Now Printed' T-shirt is a must-have for travel photos. This T-shirt is made from organic cotton, combining comfort and sustainability. The striking black and white pattern print can add a modern touch to any outfit, making it effortless to capture atmospheric travel photos!!
Recently, 'The Future Is Now Printed' T-shirt is on discount, so why not invite a few friends to choose travel T-shirts together!
Store addresses in Hong Kong:
📍 Hong Kong International Airport | Unit 6W574, Level 6 Departure, Terminal 1 (Near Gate 40)
有冇朋友和KAPTURE一樣,對黑色和白色T-Shirt完全沒有抵抗力?畢竟百搭舒適黑白的T-Shirt,總能助你輕鬆換出不一樣的造型,時尚又輕便!我們的The Future Is Now Printed印花T-Shirt,可說是旅行打卡的必備品。這款T-Shirt採用有機棉製成,兼具舒適性和永續性。醒目的黑白圖案印花可為任何服裝增添現代感,想要輕鬆拍出氛圍感打卡照片可說是無難度!!
最近The Future Is Now Printed印花T-Shirt正進行折扣優惠,不如約同三五好友選購旅行T-Shirt啦!
Recently, 'The Future Is Now Printed' T-shirt is on discount, so why not invite a few friends to choose travel T-shirts together!
Store addresses in Hong Kong:
📍 Hong Kong International Airport | Unit 6W574, Level 6 Departure, Terminal 1 (Near Gate 40)
有冇朋友和KAPTURE一樣,對黑色和白色T-Shirt完全沒有抵抗力?畢竟百搭舒適黑白的T-Shirt,總能助你輕鬆換出不一樣的造型,時尚又輕便!我們的The Future Is Now Printed印花T-Shirt,可說是旅行打卡的必備品。這款T-Shirt採用有機棉製成,兼具舒適性和永續性。醒目的黑白圖案印花可為任何服裝增添現代感,想要輕鬆拍出氛圍感打卡照片可說是無難度!!
最近The Future Is Now Printed印花T-Shirt正進行折扣優惠,不如約同三五好友選購旅行T-Shirt啦!