Are you in search of a versatile TOTE BAG?

Are you in search of a versatile TOTE BAG with adjustable strap lengths, allowing you to transform it effortlessly into a shoulder bag or a side bag based on your style? The SIN Tote Bag by KAPTURE is your go-to accessory for a variety of looks.
Inspired by the iconic Rain Vortex at the highly popular Singapore Changi Airport, the SIN Tote Bag captures the essence of this 40-meter indoor waterfall in its Y-shaped streamlined design. Available in forest tones, soft orange, and vibrant red, this bag is perfect for daily outings, effortlessly complementing any outfit.
Does the versatility of this design capture your interest?
*Our tote bags use sustainable fabrics and BioNTex™️ antibacterial coating technology, integrating materials like bamboo blends and recyclables. Each design therefore tells a uniquely eco-conscious story through its textiles.
Store addresses in Hong Kong:
📍 Hong Kong International Airport | Unit 6W574, Level 6 Departure, Terminal 1 (Near Gate 40)
你是否也在尋找一款可以自由調節長度的TOTE BAG?能按照造型調節背帶,讓包包輕鬆轉換成肩帶包或側帶包,KAPTURE推岀的SIN Tote Bag是你百變造型的好幫手。
SIN Tote Bag以人氣最高的新加坡樟宜機場為設計靈感,熱愛旅遊的你相信一眼就認岀我們以標誌性景點Rain Vortex為題,把這座高達 40 米的室內瀑布,轉化成Y形流線設計,並推出森林色系、柔和橙及亮眼紅三款設計,最適合日常岀行打扮,任何造型均能輕鬆駕馭。
*我們的Tote bag採用可持續布料及BioNTex™️抗病菌塗層技術,包括竹纖維混料、回收滌淪等,更通過日本JTETC安全認可測試,認證對人體及皮膚無害,而且即使洗滌 100 次都無損高性能,因此每款設計均以布料承載獨一無二的故事。
Inspired by the iconic Rain Vortex at the highly popular Singapore Changi Airport, the SIN Tote Bag captures the essence of this 40-meter indoor waterfall in its Y-shaped streamlined design. Available in forest tones, soft orange, and vibrant red, this bag is perfect for daily outings, effortlessly complementing any outfit.
Does the versatility of this design capture your interest?
*Our tote bags use sustainable fabrics and BioNTex™️ antibacterial coating technology, integrating materials like bamboo blends and recyclables. Each design therefore tells a uniquely eco-conscious story through its textiles.
Store addresses in Hong Kong:
📍 Hong Kong International Airport | Unit 6W574, Level 6 Departure, Terminal 1 (Near Gate 40)
你是否也在尋找一款可以自由調節長度的TOTE BAG?能按照造型調節背帶,讓包包輕鬆轉換成肩帶包或側帶包,KAPTURE推岀的SIN Tote Bag是你百變造型的好幫手。
SIN Tote Bag以人氣最高的新加坡樟宜機場為設計靈感,熱愛旅遊的你相信一眼就認岀我們以標誌性景點Rain Vortex為題,把這座高達 40 米的室內瀑布,轉化成Y形流線設計,並推出森林色系、柔和橙及亮眼紅三款設計,最適合日常岀行打扮,任何造型均能輕鬆駕馭。
*我們的Tote bag採用可持續布料及BioNTex™️抗病菌塗層技術,包括竹纖維混料、回收滌淪等,更通過日本JTETC安全認可測試,認證對人體及皮膚無害,而且即使洗滌 100 次都無損高性能,因此每款設計均以布料承載獨一無二的故事。