Moominmamma always wears an apron and carries a tote bag
With its soft nude tones and large pear-shaped silhouette, it’s reminiscent of Moominmamma! Known for her gentle and caring personality, Moominmamma always wears an apron and carries a tote bag...
KAPTURE x MOOMIN Large Capacity Travel Bag
在MOOMIN好友中最具人氣的,相信非Little My莫屬,嬌小的身體中藏著頑皮的個性,腦中經常有許多鬼點子,亦十分熱愛冒險和挑戰,成功吸引了不少粉絲。是次KAPTURE x MOOMIN的「Moomin Journeys」夢幻旅遊系列,特意以Little My勇敢無懼風格為設計靈感,融入BioNTexTM 可折疊旅行包中。型格的黑色主調,配上亮麗的鮮橙色,完美演繹Little My直率跳脫個性,配合趣怪又可愛的動態表情,讓你搖身一變成為MOOMIN好友。摺疊式及防水面料設計,可輕鬆折疊,便於存放,適合旅行或日常使用。配合35升的儲存空間,能輕鬆容納所有旅行必需品。*KAPTURE x MOOMIN 大容量旅行包,以100%回收聚酯纖維及融入BioNTexTM 精製而成。輕便攜帶配合你不同行程所需,能提供特大容量,加上行李帶設計能與行李箱綁定,助你實現時尚與功能性並存的岀行體驗!*「Moomin Journeys」夢幻旅遊系列已登陸香港,請期待KAPTURE未來為你帶來創意設計吧!📍香港國際機場一號客運大樓離港層(L6)近40號登機閘口
KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTex™Foldable Backpack
有咩好得過,一款包包兩款體驗?說的是 KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTex™ 可折疊背包!若你鍾愛素黑型格打扮,又想隨時轉換造型,KAPTURE x MOOMIN 的 Hattifatteners 可折疊背包可說是你的首選。這款集時尚和功能性兼具的背包,是時尚旅行愛好者的必備單品,無論是日系潮流造型,或是簡約輕鬆岀門,通通讓 MOOMIN 好友 Hattifatteners 伴你左右,重點是解放雙手,輕鬆遊遍天下。*KAPTURE x MOOMIN BioNTex™ 可折疊背包,採用 100% 回收聚酯纖維製成,其防水面料功能,全方位適合城市通勤、郊區遠足和周末短途旅行。此外,MOOMIN 背包採用可摺疊的剪裁設計,可輕鬆折疊以便存放,亦能隨意變身為時尚手提包,提供多功能的選擇。*「Moomin Journeys」夢幻旅遊系列已登陸香港,請期待KAPTURE未來為你帶來創意設計吧!📍香港國際機場一號客運大樓離港層(L6)近40號登機閘口
姆明又去邊度玩呢☁️今個秋冬跟著KAPTURE岀發,帶領你感受鳥語花香的姆明谷,與姆明和它的朋友一同體驗夢幻旅遊的樂趣!!KAPTURE x MOOMIN系列包羅各類大熱的旅行單品,包雙用背包、大型旅行袋和TOTE BAG等。無論是兩三天的短途旅程,或是10天的以上的悠長假期,「Moomin Journeys」夢幻旅遊系列相信都是你的最佳岀行伴侶。今日就來KAPTURE香港國際機場店,把姆明帶回家啦!*「Moomin Journeys」夢幻旅遊系列已登陸香港,請期待KAPTURE未來為你帶來創意設計吧!📍香港國際機場一號客運大樓離港層(L6)近40號登機閘口
KAPTURE x MOOMIN Large Capacity Travel Bag
KAPTURE x MOOMIN Large Capacity Travel Bag: Effortless Shopping Made Easy!When traveling and indulging in crazy shopping sprees, it's crucial to have both hands ready! Let the KAPTURE x MOOMIN...
KAPTURE x MOOMIN Multifunctional Bag
KAPTURE x MOOMIN Multifunctional Bag: Perfect for all your travel needs!Want to step out for a journey with hands-free ease? The “Moomin Journeys” dreamy travel backpack by KAPTURE x MOOMIN...
Meet the KAPTURE x MOOMIN Tote Bag: Your Stylish and Sustainable Companion! What unexpected surprises await when Tote Bag meets MOOMIN?The Tote Bag, a flagship design of KAPTURE, has always been...
Moomin fans unite! 🌱🌱
Moomin fans unite! 🌱🌱Do you love the cute and lively Moomin friends? Recently, KAPTURE has collaborated with Moomin to launch the limited-time “Moomin Journeys” series in Hong Kong. Embark on...
KAPTURE x MOOMIN: Exclusive Travel Series in Hong Kong!
KAPTURE x MOOMIN: Exclusive Travel Series in Hong Kong! 🌍 Explore the world and discover endless possibilities! This time, KAPTURE invites you to step into the Moominvalley of Finland, celebrating the...
KAPTURE x Exclusive Collaboration Series
Exciting Surprise from the Finnish Forest! KAPTURE x Exclusive Collaboration SeriesWe were overwhelmed by the love and support for our recent collaboration with Kuromi! Thank you all fans and supporters!To...
You can’t miss out on KAPTURE’s travel essentials
Ready to travel soon? you can’t miss out on KAPTURE’s travel essentials. Whether you’re flying or need everything upon arrival, KAPTURE combines sustainable fashion aesthetics with high-performance design, allowing you...
Eye-catching TYO tote bag
When traveling to Japan, dressing up is a must. Bring along the eye-catching TYO tote bag inspired by Tokyo Dome. Its unique egg-shaped design and vibrant colors make it a...