Are you a fan of organic cotton T-shirts?

Are you a fan of organic cotton T-shirts because of their comfortable and soft feel, while also being passionate about contributing to environmental sustainability?
At KAPTURE, ‘sustainable fashion’ is our goal and brand vision. That’s why all our T-shirts are made from organic cotton, aiming to reduce waste at the source. Our ‘Would You Kapture It’ printed T-shirt, featuring a classic black and white design, blends comfort and style perfectly whether you’re stepping out casually or dressing up for an occasion.
Store addresses in Hong Kong:
📍 Hong Kong International Airport | Unit 6W574, Level 6 Departure, Terminal 1 (Near Gate 40)
「永續時尚」是KAPTURE的目標,同時也是我們的品牌願景,因此我們所設計的T-SHIRT都是選用有機棉製成,期望實現源頭減廢。而我們的「Would You Kapture It」印花T-SHIRT以經典黑白雙色設計,無論是輕鬆岀門,或是想好好打扮一番,其精心打造完美融合舒適與時尚。
At KAPTURE, ‘sustainable fashion’ is our goal and brand vision. That’s why all our T-shirts are made from organic cotton, aiming to reduce waste at the source. Our ‘Would You Kapture It’ printed T-shirt, featuring a classic black and white design, blends comfort and style perfectly whether you’re stepping out casually or dressing up for an occasion.
Store addresses in Hong Kong:
📍 Hong Kong International Airport | Unit 6W574, Level 6 Departure, Terminal 1 (Near Gate 40)
「永續時尚」是KAPTURE的目標,同時也是我們的品牌願景,因此我們所設計的T-SHIRT都是選用有機棉製成,期望實現源頭減廢。而我們的「Would You Kapture It」印花T-SHIRT以經典黑白雙色設計,無論是輕鬆岀門,或是想好好打扮一番,其精心打造完美融合舒適與時尚。