Discover the Perfect Neck Support with KAPTURE

📌 Optimal Cervical Lordosis Curve
Studies have shown that the natural physiological curve of the cervical spine, known as the cervical lordosis curve, is approximately 30 to 40 degrees. This curve is essential for maintaining spinal health and stability. KAPTURE's travel neck pillow is specifically designed to support this optimal curve, with a unique thickened support zone that precisely cradles the neck, reducing pressure from prolonged sitting.
Ergonomically designed, KAPTURE 3 in 1 Travel pillow effectively relieves pressure on the neck, shoulders, and upper back, promoting healthy spinal alignment.
Maintaining this natural cervical lordosis curve can help reduce neck pain, prevent strain, and support overall spinal health during your travels.
Curious about how to protect your neck during travel? Follow us for more tips!
📌 頸椎的最佳生理弧度支撐
你有聽說過「生理弧度」嗎?經研究證實,頸椎自然的生理弧度,稱為頸椎前凸弧度(Cervical Lordosis Curve),約為30至40度,這對於保持脊椎的健康和穩定至關重要。KAPTURE 3 合 1 旅遊頸枕專為支撐此最佳弧度設計,其獨特的增厚支撐區能夠精確地承托頸部,減少長時間坐姿所帶來的壓力。
透過人體工學理念,KAPTURE 頸枕能有效緩解頸部、肩部和上背部的壓力,解決因長期坐知不良,引發的頸椎損傷,從而促進健康的脊椎曲線。
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